Roles and Responsibilities

Safety always supersedes noise abatement procedures. 

Air Traffic Control

The Federal Aviation Administration Air Traffic Control Tower and approach control are responsible for the safe movement of aircraft both in the air and on the ground. Runway assignments, headings, altitudes and other directions to pilots are assigned only by air traffic controllers. Safety is the number one consideration of the Federal Aviation Administration. The safe operation of aircraft in the national airspace system will always supersede noise abatement procedures.

Hillsborough County Aviation Authority

The Hillsborough County Aviation Authority monitors the Voluntary Noise Abatement Program at Tampa International Airport on a daily basis, with the goal of the highest compliance levels possible to the airports Voluntary Preferential Runway Use Program. Deviations to the airports Voluntary Preferential Runway Use Program are actioned regardless of whether complaints are received. 

Residents and Prospective Residents

The residents in areas surrounding an airport should seek to understand community aircraft operations and strive to be aware of what procedures that can and cannot be taken to minimize the effect of aircraft noise. Individual and community responses to aircraft noise differ substantially and, for some individuals, a reduced level of noise may not eliminate the annoyance or irritation. Prospective residents should investigate the location of airports and aircraft flight tracks to determine the potential effect on their individual quality of life and make their decisions accordingly. 


As the person in charge of operating the aircraft, the pilot has the ultimate responsibility. It is up to the pilot to follow the Voluntary Noise Abatement Program, while adhering to all safety measures. The airport continues to work with airlines and aircraft operators to educate pilots on the guidelines of the airports Voluntary Noise Abatement Program. 

Minimizing aircraft noise over residential areas and operating a safe and efficient air transportation system is a worldwide challenge. Courteous and responsible pilots make the difference by avoiding unnecessary residential over-flights and by flying as quietly as safety permits. 

Safety always supersedes noise abatement procedures.