Noise Abatement
To sign up for future email notifications from our Noise Monitoring Office, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.
Our next Community Noise Forum meeting will take place virtually on Wednesday, February 5th, 2025 at 9:30 am. All meetings require an RSVP 24 hours before the meeting time for attendees in order to receive the link to join. Please RSVP using this registration link.
To file a noise complaint online please click here.
To file a noise complaint by phone please call (813) 870-7843 (voicemail only)
Complaints containing vulgar, abusive, or threatening language will not be accepted.
To view the Airport's near real-time flight tracking system, please click here.
Public Records Law:
In an effort to be a good neighbor, the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority has a noise office. The primary role of the Noise Monitoring Office is to educate the community on the airports Voluntary Noise Abatement Program and monitor compliance, as recommended in the Part 150 noise study, which was approved by the Federal Aviation Administration in 2022. More information on the Part 150 study can be found by visiting the Federal Aviation Administration's noise page. Highlights of Tampa International Airport's Voluntary Noise Abatement Program include:
Procedural Measures
- Maximizing daytime south flow.
- Adopting preferential order of runway use using air traffic control tower's (Federal Aviation Administration) Letter to Airmen (e.g., Arriving turbojets landing to the north expect Runway 1L).
- Extending nighttime preference for Runway 1L arrivals and Runway 19R departures to all aircraft.
- Monitoring initial turbojet departure headings.
- Developing noise abatement flight paths for propeller aircraft for Runway 1L and 1R departures.
- Limiting base legs for Runway 1L arrivals north of Mac Dill Air Force Base.
- Recommending turbojets use noise abatement departure procedures.
- Constructing a shared engine run-up enclosure for turbojet maintenance run-ups above idle power (this facility was opened in October, 2003).
Land Use Measures
- Developing zoning for compatible land use in the vicinity of the Airport.
- Maintaining an active and effective public information program.
- Purchasing navigation easements (based on 5-year noise exposure map)
- Soundproofing of residences (based on 5-year noise exposure map)
For questions please contact (813) 870-7843 (voicemail only)
To receive future email notifications and information from our Noise Monitoring Office, please provide your name and email address in the form below or call 813-870-7843.