Public Art project updates

(October 22, 2015) - Response to the Tampa International Airport Call for Artists was tremendous. The Airport received 753 impressive Artist/Artist Team applications. The Public Art Committee was thrilled that the opportunity was compelling enough to inspire such an incredible response and was especially pleased with the quality and diversity of submissions.  The outstanding caliber of Artists made the evaluation process very challenging.

After a thorough review of all submitted applications, the Public Art Committee has come to consensus and intends to recommend to the Airport Board on November 5, 2015 the following short list of Artists to move forward in this Call.

The Public Art Committee would like to thank all Artists that submitted an application to the Call.

(March 2015)  - A 10-person committee tasked with the responsibility for vetting and selecting the artists and artwork for the airport's historic $953 million expansion was appointed by the Hillsborough County Aviation Authority Board of Directors. Read the full story on the project background with a complete list of committee members in the Online Newsroom. 

The Call to Artists will be officially issued on August 17.  The committee anticipates interest from the local, national and international art community.


When will the Call for Artists be issued?

Monday, August 17. Deadline for submissions is Monday, September 14. All submissions will be collected via CaFÉ at (link is external)

Is there a requirement for responding artists/artist teams to reside in the U.S. or be U.S. Citizens?

No. Citizenship and/or residency in the U.S. is not a pre-requisite to submit an application. Local, state, national and international artists will be considered.

Although I meet all other requirements, I have not completed a commission or sold, at a minimum, one artwork at a value of at least $15,000. Can I still apply?

This Call for Artists allows Artists not meeting the minimum qualifications to collaborate with an Artist that does meet the minimum qualifications and to submit an application as an Artist Team.

Can artists make multiple submissions? For example, as an individual and a member of a team or multiple teams?

Artists should apply as either a team or as an individual, but not both.

If I submit as a team and am selected, can additional people be added to the team as needed or must everyone be included on the team from the start?

While the Airport understands there may be circumstances that may lead to Artist Team changes, Artists Teams should endeavor to have all team members on board at the time of application.

I represent two different artists; may I submit a response to the Call for Artists on their behalf?

Yes, artist reps may submit a response to this Call for Artists on behalf of the artists they represent. A separate application must be submitted for each Artist.

We are a custom marble and granite shop specializing in carving special elements, statues, custom wall panels, etc. into natural stone. We have done work around the country so we feel we could offer something very unique into the airports design. Please let us know your thoughts and the best way for us to proceed.

The Call for Artists is open to (eligible) visual Artists working in any medium, which includes marble and granite Artists. The Call for Artists is currently accepting applications in CaFÉ™ with a deadline of September 14, 2015:

Are there any opportunities for art glass among the twelve sites?

The Call for Artists is open to (eligible) visual Artists working in any medium, which includes glass Artists. Glass will be considered, however, installation must be self-supported and independent of the glass curtain wall or any windows in the building. Please note that site specific information has not yet been finalized and will not be distributed to Artists until the second phase of the Artist Selection Process. During the first phase a Technical Evaluation Committee will conduct a review of all CaFÉ™ submitted applications and will develop a short list of Qualified Artists. During the second phase, the Airport Public Art Committee will invite Artists from the group of Qualified Artists to submit a site specific proposal. The Call for Artists is currently accepting applications in Café with a deadline of September 14, 2015:

I am a painter, and would like to know if there are sites available (walls) for large scale paintings?

The Call for Artists is open to (eligible) visual Artists working in any medium, which includes Artists working with large scale paintings. Opportunities for wall-mounted, floor mounted and ceiling hung artwork have been identified. Please note that site specific information has not yet been finalized and will not be distributed to Artists until the second phase of the Artist Selection Process. During the first phase a Technical Evaluation Committee will conduct a review of all CaFÉ™ submitted applications and will develop a short list of Qualified Artists. During the second phase, the Airport Public Art Committee will invite Artists from the group of Qualified Artists to submit a site specific proposal. The Call for Artists is currently accepting applications in Café with a deadline of September 14, 2015:

Would your process seriously entertain a submission that proposed a solar or grid powered new media installation? Would you provide technical support to allow solar panels to be installed on the roof, or if grid tied, solar panels installed?

The Call for Artists is open to (eligible) visual Artists working in any medium, so yes, a submission that proposed a solar or grid powered new media installation would be considered. Please note that site specific information has not yet been finalized and will not be distributed to Artists until the second phase of the Artist Selection Process. During the first phase a Technical Evaluation Committee will conduct a review of all Café submitted applications and will develop a short list of Qualified Artists. During the second phase, the Airport Public Art Committee will invite Artists from the group of Qualified Artists to submit a site specific proposal. The Call for Artists is currently accepting applications in CaFÉ™ with a deadline of September 14, 2015:

For successful applicants, will you require a performance bond?


May we submit 1-2 page resumes for each of the 3 members who would be directly involved from our collective in this project?

A resume should be submitted for each Artist. If the application is from an Artist Team, one Artist will submit a single resume for the whole team with individual resumes integrated into 1 document. If applicable, Artists also have the option of including subcontractor information in their Statement of Interest.

In the Required Submission Materials section, it states each image must include a Title, Medium, Size, Commissioning Organization, Budget, Date and Statement. The café ™ has entry areas for all of these required pieces of information except "commissioning organization (client)." Is that information still required? If so where should we list it?

Artists, or Artist Teams, should indicate commissioning agency in the description field when uploading each image.

Is there a maximum limit of the length of the resume?

Resumes should not exceed 4 pages in length.

May we submit several artists in separate submissions as a project management team or is each submission required to be under the individual lead artist’s name?

A separate application must be submitted for each artist, under that Artist’s name.

Does the artist working with a project management team have to be the point of contact or can that role be assigned to another team member?

The point of contact for the Artist’s submission may be assigned to a member of the project management team.

Is there a problem with a project management team being associated with several submissions, each by a different artist?

Project management teams may submit multiple Artist applications, with each application being under a different Artist’s name.

Is there a public art master plan overlay to the airport master plan? If so, where can that be located?

No, Tampa International Airport does not currently have a public art master plan.